Okyanus Socks Company was established by Küçükler Holding in 2002. In very short period, the company have become one of the leading socks company in the industry with its new investments. Okyanus Socks Company always develops innovative products after constantly researching and indentfying the end consumers’ needs and satisfactions. The mission of the company R&D Deparment is not only to develop new products with stylist, colourful, new collection or new trends but also is to produce healthy and comfortable socks for feet which carry the whole body’s weights during the whole day.


In parallel of the Company’s vision which is “at least to be on the one of every two feet which are in the World”, Okyanus Socks is producing for well- known brands and continuously a new well-known brand joins in the company’s diversified customers profiles.


The Quality for Okyanus Socks Company is not only for the products or services, but also it is in every aspects of the life. Therefore, this understanding of quality is the principal structure of the Company’s culture. In result of the company quality policy, Okyanus Socks is a company who always focuses on only human being and the environment with training its staff and social responsibility. The company believe that “ the quality products and services are accomplished by only qualified and well-trained staff”.


Okyanus Socks company believes that “The most significant heritage for the World children is to leave a pristine environment.” Because of this reason, the environmental responsibility is first priority for The Company during its entire operations. In parallel of this company policy, the environment always comes first when any new investment decision is taken or providing any raw materails for the production. Therefore, the raw material suppliers are being chosen among the suppliers who they have whether the required environmental and chemical certificates or not. If they do not have any of them, there is no way for Okyanus Socks Company to co operate with those suppliers.